Fine Arts Program
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In The Arts

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In Dance

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In Art

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The American Academy is a Program within American Heritage Schools. American Academy and American Heritage Schools students can be dual enrolled and in the same Fine Arts programs together.

The American Academy is proud of our Fine Arts program with its extensive course offerings in art, music, and theatre available to all students in Kindergarten through grade 12. The Center for the Arts is a specially designed facility that enhances the arts program and is equipped with classrooms and practice rooms for the performing arts, as well as art studios not found in any other school setting. Students have won awards at all levels of competition in recent years.
Some of them are:
  • Florida Music Education Association-Students have been selected to participate in the All-State performances of chorus, orchestra, band, and guitar ensembles
  • District and State MPA’s- Superiors for chorus, band, orchestra, and guitar
  • Disney Candlelight Procession and Miami Honor Choir
  • American Choral Directors Association(ACDA)-students selected for statewide honors choir
  • All-County Chorus, Band, Orchestra-Junior High and High School placements
  • National Youth Choir at Carnegie Hall
  • National Dance Competition, Believe- four consecutive titles
  • District and State Thespians-Superior ratings for one-act play, individual events, technical theater, and many Critics’ Choice Awards
  • Sister Cities International Young Artists Showcase-1st and 2nd place
  • Scholastic Art and Writing Awards-Gold Keys awarded in Ceramics & Glass, Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Digital Art, Mixed Media, and Portfolio; American Vision Award, National Award winner
Complimentary Bus Transportation, American Heritage Schools