Communicate With Confidence - Techniques for Students with Learning Differences
Eric J. Nach, Ph.D., M.Ed., A.S.D.C.
Before, during, and after college, what are the skills young adults with learning differences need in the twenty-first century? The answer is soft skills, also known as communication, time management, organizational, and social skills, and all are vital to student success in college and beyond. Join Dr. Eric Nach, a top developmental and behavioral specialist in the enhancement of student growth and college life skills, who will explain how parents and professionals can identify underdeveloped soft skills and take proactive measures to help students gain greater levels of social and perceptual skills and self-confidence to thrive in college and in life.

Meet Our Speaker

Dr. Eric J. Nach is the Founder and President of the Support for Students Growth Center located in Boca Raton, Florida. He began his career as a “milieu therapist,” before spending eighteen years as a special education department chairperson and teacher with the Palm Beach County school district. Dr. Nach earned a Ph.D., focusing on his dissertation titled “Instructional Use of Research-Based Interventions for Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.” He is also a nationwide speaker who has presented full-day professional (CEU) workshops in nearly a hundred cities to professionals in the field. Dr. Nach addresses topics such as the perceptional, social, behavioral, and transitioning needs of students with learning, developmental, and perceptual differences and has over three decades experience counseling, teaching, and coaching children, teens, young adults, and their families.


“Providing the social, executive functioning, and life skills that schools just can’t.”

- Dr. Eric Nach