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“It is difficult for parents to understand the nature of their children’s behavior, especially when their children have ADHD, and at times it seems as if children with ADHD would succeed if they just tried harder. When a child fails to succeed in school, parents feel frustrated and inadequate. Armed with a deeper understanding of ADHD, parents will be better equipped to help children overcome challenges and succeed.”
Meet Our Speaker
Dr. Katie Davis is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York State. She provides psychotherapy, cognitive and academic remediation, and education consulting in her practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Dr. Davis is an avid volunteer with Achilles International, an organization dedicated to encouraging people with physical disabilities to participate in mainstream athletics. Here, she has served as a guide for runners with disabilities in many races, including marathons.
Dr. Davis offers tailored, specialized support to individuals experiencing academic and vocational difficulties, including those who struggle with learning disorders and related developmental disorders. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Davis is a research scientist at Johns Hopkins University with expertise in investigating strategies to enhance learning in children and young adults with developmental disorders. She presents her research regularly at national conferences and publishes frequently in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Developmental Science, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Annals of Family Medicine. She is also quoted frequently as an expert in the news media, including in Psychology Today, Reader’s Digest, and New York Magazine.
Dr. Davis received both her Master of Science and Doctor of Psychology from Yeshiva University. She completed her predoctoral clinical training appointments at the Churchill School and Center, New York Presbyterian-Columbia School-Based Mental Health Program, New York Presbyterian-Columbia Department of Pediatric Oncology, and Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Neurosurgery. Her clinical work and research as a doctoral student focused on the diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders. She completed a postdoctoral clinical fellowship at Brooklyn Learning Center and a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Cognitive Development and Neuroimaging Lab in the Columbia University Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Her postdoctoral training and research focused on the neural correlates and biological bases of learning disorders. Prior to graduate school, she received her Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Education Studies and Music from Brown University. As an undergraduate at Brown, Dr. Davis developed procedures to increase prosocial behaviors in typically developing children in inclusive preschool classrooms. She also worked as a research assistant in the Brown University Timing Lab, investigating how the temporal relationship between environmental cues and reinforcements can be used to predict the learning pattern and rate of behavior in animals.
Awards & Honors
Dr. Davis has received numerous awards and honors for her work, including the Golding Distinguished Scholars Fellowship and the Dr. Norman Lamm Scholarship from Yeshiva University, as well as the CV Starr Fellowship for Public Service, the Creative Arts Council Student Grant, the Theresa E. Trifari Fellowship in Education, and the Undergraduate Teaching and Research Award from Brown University.